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Steps to Create Skills in the CentraHub CRM

Steps to Create Skills in the CentraHub CRM

CentraHub CRM Software

1. Go to settings of CentraHub CRM, Type Queue in the search box on the left side of the screen.

CentraHub CRM Software
CentraHub CRM Software

2. From the drop-down list of the Business Process, click on Queue to create the Skill.

CentraHub CRM Software

3. On the Queue List page, enter the relevant details.

CentraHub CRM Software

Field Specification for Creating a Queue

Queue Info:


Enter the Queue name.

Headed by

Select the user who would lead the Queue from the drop-down list.


Select the Priority level from normal, high, low, or medium.


Enter the category from the drop-down list.


Set the location for which the Queue is applicable.


From the drop-down list, select the Sub-Category.


Select the issue related to the Queue.


Enter the Queue description.

CentraHub CRM Software

Member info: Click on “Add member” to create users for the Queue.

  • Add Members pop-window would appear. Select the user type from the drop-down list and click Find to display the user.
  • Add Recipients to the Selected List from the Available List using arrows.
  • Selected users would be displayed in the Member Information grid. (With Roles and Locations automatically displayed for the specified users)
  • Click on + option to add more data grids and for deleting click on the delete option.

4. Click Save.

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