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Creating an Email Template in CentraHub CRM

Communication with customers/prospects is an essential activity in any business. CentraHub CRM enables you to create email templates that could be used in mass mailing, email notifications and for different workflow related actions.

Steps to Create an Email template

Steps to Create an Email template

CentraHub CRM Help Center

1. Access the CRM settings and type ‘email template’ in the search box.

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CentraHub CRM Help Center

2. Click on My Email Template to create a new email template.

3. On My Email template page, enter the relevant details.

Field Specification for My Email Template List

Template List:

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1. Name

Specify the name of Template.

2. Email Type

Select the type of email from the drop-down list. It includes types such as text, HTML etc.

3. Scope

Select the scope of the email as Public or Private from the drop-down list.

4. Description

Enter the required description related to the template.

5. Module

Choose the Module for which email template is being created.

6. Encoding

Select the encoding form the drop-down list.

Note: Select ‘Active to use’ to start using the Template. Only if the ‘Active’ Check Box is selected the template could be used for scheduling and setting the workflow.

Template Body:

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1. Subject

Enter the Subject for the email.

2. Module

Select the Module through which data is to be mapped.

3. Fields

Select the fields which are to be mapped from the selected Module.

4. Click Insert.

Example: In the above snapshot, an email would map the data of an individual Account name followed by the city name and the email body.


CentraHub CRM Help Center

1. Print Layout

Select the Print Layout for the email.

(Before using this option, ensure that the print layout of email has already been defined.)

2. Attachment fields

You could attach fields as required. This would help in sending an email with attachments.

3. Attachment Static

Attach any document related to email.

4. Click Finish. An email template would be successfully created.

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