1. CentraHub
  2. HCM
  3. Shift and Attendance Management

Stay Accurate and Compliant with Automated Employee Time Tracking

Shift Scheduling

Shift Master

CentraHub HCM solution offers advanced employee assignment and scheduling capabilities, streamlining workforce management for businesses. It provides a user-friendly platform to create, manage, and optimize employee schedules efficiently. It allows organizations to assign shifts, track attendance, and align labor resources with operational needs.

The employee shift scheduling software includes an intelligent shift schedule calendar to consider employee availability, preferences, and labor laws to ensure compliance. It helps you handle complex scheduling patterns, making it suitable for various industries. With real-time updates, employees can request shift swaps or time off, improving flexibility.

With employee scheduling in CentraHub HCM, you can reduce scheduling conflicts, enhance productivity, and foster a harmonious work environment, all while simplifying the scheduling process.

Time Tracking

Daily Attendance Tracking

CentraHub HCM offers a transformative solution for employee time and attendance tracking for modern businesses. This advanced HCM platform harnesses state-of-the-art technology for precise and efficient time monitoring.

With features like mobile accessibility, real-time updates, and automated timekeeping, the real-time attendance tracking software simplifies workforce management. It empowers your HR team to process timesheet amendments while ensuring compliance with labor laws, reducing manual errors, and optimizing resource allocation. The system also offers in-depth analytics for workforce forecasting and performance assessment. The system thus redefines time tracking, enhancing productivity and facilitating data-driven decision-making in line with contemporary HR trends and best practices.

Time Tracking
Shift Roster

Shift Plan

CentraHub HCM modernizes shift roster management with improved shift scheduling and planning. The system employs advanced technology, mobile accessibility, and real-time updates, facilitating precise and efficient shift rosters. 

The employee shift management system adapts to intricate scheduling needs, including shift rotations and labor law compliance, while empowering employees with self-service options and shift exchange capabilities. It also incorporates predictive analytics for accurate labor forecasting and ensures ongoing compliance monitoring.  

With the shift management software, you can generate error-free shift rosters, enhance workforce flexibility, and elevate employee satisfaction, aligning seamlessly with modern HR practices and industry standards.

Bio-metric Integration

Bio-metric Integration

Biometric integration with CentraHub HCM represents a cutting-edge solution for workforce management. This seamless integration combines the power of biometric technology with comprehensive HCM capabilities to enhance security, accuracy, and efficiency in the workplace.

By integrating biometric data, such as fingerprint or facial recognition, into the HCM system, you can ensure precise employee time tracking and access control. This not only eliminates time theft and inaccuracies but also strengthens data security.

The integrated biometric attendance software aligns with the latest trends in HR technology, providing a modern, user-friendly, and foolproof approach to employee authentication and management, promoting trust and compliance.

Bio metric Integration
Reporting and Analytics

Time Card Report

CentraHub HCM excels in providing robust time card report capabilities for shift and attendance management. This advanced solution offers a day-by-day breakdown of employee's log-in and log-out times, tasks performed, and number of hours worked. These data insights empower organizations to make informed decisions to optimize labor resources.

The time card lets you track the time an employee spends on each job and base. It generates customizable reports to help you monitor productivity, identify scheduling inefficiencies, and maintain labor law compliance.

Shift Swapping

Shift Swapping and Availability

CentraHub HCM’s comprehensive shift and attendance management module empowers you with seamless shift swapping and availability management. The platform enables your employees to request shift swaps with ease, fostering a collaborative work environment. It also allows them to define their availability preferences, ensuring schedules align with their needs. The system automates the approval process, providing managers with a streamlined design for managing shift change requests and ensuring efficient resource allocation.

Shift Swapping
Workforce Forecasting

Workforce Forecasting

CentraHub HCM empowers your business with advanced workforce forecasting capabilities for shift and attendance management. Leveraging the integrated tools, the system can project future staffing needs based on historical data and anticipated demand.

Furthermore, CentraHub HCM can facilitate data-driven decision-making to help you optimize the organization’s workforce scheduling while ensuring the right number of employees are assigned to the right shifts. This not only enhances operational efficiency but also reduces labor costs and minimizes scheduling conflicts.

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Shift Swapping

OT Form

CentraHub HCM comes integrated with OT forms to allow your employees to request overtime hours. It typically includes essential details such as the employee's name, job title, hours worked beyond their regular schedule, and reasons for the overtime. This form helps your HR team to keep track of and manage overtime expenses, ensures compliance with labor laws, and provides transparency in workforce management. Employees may use OT forms to request compensation for their additional hours or as a record of their extra efforts in the workplace, ensuring fair and accurate payment for overtime work.

Shift Swapping
Workforce Forecasting

Daily Payroll

CentraHub HCM streamlines the process of managing daily payroll for businesses. With its user-friendly interface and advanced features, the system impacts businesses by enhancing financial transparency and employee satisfaction. It ensures accurate and timely payments, reduces payroll errors, and supports compliance. This leads to improved workforce morale, greater efficiency, and stronger financial control, ultimately fostering a more productive and stable business environment.


Workforce management













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