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Incident Management Software Incident Management Software
Incident Management Software enterprise incident mangement software

The Best Incident Management Software on Cloud

enterprise incident mangement software

The Best Incident Management Software on Cloud

CentraHub’s incident management software unifies all your incident management operations on a centralized platform. With its help, you could instantly identify an issue, define SLAs, set deadlines, assign it to the appropriate team reps, track and monitor incident status, automate incident escalation and ensure it is resolved within the shortest possible time frame. Record, store, and share incident management data among your teammates with a single click. You could also save this information for future reference and training purposes.

enterprise incident mangement software

Assign and Track Issues

cloud based incident management system

Assign and Track Issues

CentraHub’s enterprise incident management software helps you immediately identify an issue and automatically assign it to your team reps who are best suited to solve it in the least possible time. Its predefined workflow is triggered automatically and sends out notifications and alerts as soon as an incident occurs.

Track the incident from the time of occurrence to resolution with complete transparency, including details such as who the issue has been assigned to, what is the time taken and what steps were executed to address it.

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Automate Incident Management

cloud based incident management system

Automate Incident Management

Reduce workload by automating various tasks of incident management. CentraHub’s automated incident management solutions ensure that your assigned issues are actively resolved with minimal manual intervention. It tracks the activities of the reps who oversee the resolution activities and reports the status in real time. For example, if the assigned representative fails to resolve an issue, CentraHub’s incident management system automatically redirects the issue to a different, more qualified rep. With CentraHub’s incident management software, you could track and resolve issues faster by using sophisticated incident management tools to guide and assist you.

cloud based incident management system

Prioritize Issues

best incident management software

Prioritize Issues

Not every incident requires equal urgency and importance in terms of response. Set predefined rules which would help you automatically prioritize issues to resolve them faster. CentraHub’s incident management software quickly identifies issues and categorizes them based on their level of urgency based on user-defined priority rules. Help your workers operate more productively by enabling them with automated incident management solutions.

Contract Information

best incident management software

Contract Information

Define and draft service level agreements (SLAs) for your clients and customers with the help of CentraHub’s enterprise incident management software. Select from a wide range of SLA templates and customize them to suit your requirements with easy-to-use, drag-and-drop options. Define and specify the type of contract, start and end dates, deadlines and task escalation rules.

best incident management software

Monitor Issue Status

best incident management software

Monitor Issue Status

CentraHub’s incident tracking software provides you with live updates on the status of each issue. Track and monitor incidents right from your dashboard and make informed, data-driven decisions. Automatically escalate issues and support your reps by reducing their burden to resolve incidents faster.


best incident management software


CentraHub’s incident management software generates sophisticated incident reports and analytics, which help you track and analyze the entire incident management process. Learn which issue is being assigned to which rep, track their activity throughout the process and monitor deadlines to check if the issue is being addressed and resolved on time. Automatically generate daily, weekly, monthly and quarterly reports and get them delivered into your inbox to track your team performance.

best incident management software

Third-party integrations

CentraHub CRM’s incident management software equips you with instant visibility across all aspects of operations and allows you to integrate with third-party applications. You could integrate the CRM with payment gateways and financials to standardize payments and incorporate it with telephony applications to facilitate phone calls through the software you generally use. You could also connect with Google’s calendar, contacts and emails in the Google Suite for seamless operations.

Go Completely Digital

Save a ton of resources and time through our incident management software’s digital frameworks. Go paperless and initiate digital transformation across your organization. Right from cross-device alerts to digital schedules, the CRM software would ensure you are a step ahead of your competitors and always in the good books of your customers.

Real-time Alerts and Collaboration

CentraHub CRM’s incident management software captures real-time data and statistics to provide you with real-time alerts and notifications. Assess the volume of individual and group workload based on the on-going operations and incidents being resolved. Drive efficiency in collaboration through real-time communication with attachment support, such as images.

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Alan Sakr

GM, Consent Group

The Centra CRM software has given us a centralized view on your business and control everything we do.

Incident Management Software

Juan Dorfling

Director, AIES

It is not a difficult system to learn. The quality of training that was provided for staff at head office was good and they now enjoying on the system.

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